
05 July 2024 / Club News

Results of the June & July 100 Club Draw

The 100 Club draws were made for the months of June & July at the monthly Board meeting last Monday.  These were the lucky winners: -


1st - £150 Dai Sullivan (83)  2nd - £70 Belinda Hansford (111) 3rd - £30 Cathy White (34)  4th - £15 Alice Sullivan (107)

1st - £150 Rhydian Luckwell (114) 2nd - £70 John Stephens (63) 3rd - £30 Adam Williams (66)
4th - £15 Phil Owen (20)
Many thanks to all who enter the proceeds of the draw go towards pitch  maintenance.  Want to join please contact Jayne Evs on 07974001631 or simply email

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