
16 June 2024 / Club News

Congratulations to Peter Hansford & our new Level 1 Coaches

Huge congratulations to Peter Hansford who has been recognised and awarded by the WRU at the Diolch community volunteer awards.  Presented with the Dysgu Learner of the Year Peter was described as: 
An individual who has shown brilliant engagement and commitment to the Dysgu WRU virtual education programme.  Peter then implemented change at the club from knowledge gained during the webinars. 
This recognition is just so deserved. Peter is one of our regular volunteers who works tirelessly behind the scene quietly getting on with tasks and making a huge contribution in the efficient running of the club.  His role as treasurer generates many hours work a week, but he is also our recycling guru and is always the first with his hand up to assist with anything when a call goes out for help.  All this and he still manages to get in some refereeing hours every month.  Thank you Peter & again many congratulations. Peter is pictured being presented with his award at the WRU ceremony. 
Also many congratulations also go to Ceri Edgell, Dave Rankin and Sean Sullivan who have passed their Level 1 coaching course, held at SURFC over the last week.  Well done all the Chairman ill present you with your whistles once he gets back from his holidays and orders them!  #clubmengivingsomethingback.
See you all soon

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