
06 August 2024 / Club News

More sad news with the death of Peter Griffin

It is with sadness that we have to inform you that Peter Griffin passed away at home last Wednesday.

Peter was born in 1935  in Oxford and came to Swansea in the late 1950s he first represented Swansea RFC in 1958 and subsequently joined the club.  He was club captain in 1969 -70. 

He took up the role of Club Secretary from 1968 when he took over from John Edmund to 1979 when Richard Gwynn succeeded him.

In 1980 he became Chairman taking over from Tony Ware until 1982 when Robin Kirby became Chairman.

He succeeded Derrick Griffiths as President in 1985 until Bob Lloyd Griffiths took over in 1993.  

We will notify you of the funeral arrangements once they are known



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David Floyd - 07/08/2024 18:32:42:

Very sad news indeed. I remember Peter well ! A cheerful chap with a quick wit and a quicker smile. I joined the club as a young lad of 17 in the early 70’s and Peter was one of several who were revered by the youngsters of yesteryear. It doesn’t seem that long ago having a pint or two with the Uplands men in the vivs in sketty, chief amongst them Mr Peter Griffin. RIP good man!
